The year 2021, Rural Italy, there lived an evil person named Bisconte Draculó, whose many evil magics created a bad world filled with famine and suffering. It's now up to the members of the Belpaese family to end his reign of terror and return good food to the table.
Truck Puzzle: Pack Master
Weapon Strikes
Skibidi Fight
Face Paint Salon - Makeover Game
Nuwpys Adventure
Musician Escape 3
Scooter XTreme 3D
Skibidi Vs Alien
Surfer Interesting
Make Pizza Master
Golf Field Game
Chrismass Candy HD
Find the Ostrich tag
Viking Runner
Bob Save Stuart
Girl Beauty Salon
Touch Animals
Epic-Zipline Rescue
Surprise Egg
Penguin Splash
Survive the Sharks
BlackJack Simulator
Caveman Treasure Escape
Save The Poppy Time
Secret House Escape 2
Stickman Gun Battle Simulator
Pogo Peggy
Princess Ariel Fitness Plan
Paint it Rush
Hula Hoops Rush