The series revolves around a contest where 456 players, all of whom are in deep financial debt, risk their lives to play a series of deadly children's games for the chance to win a ?45.6 billion prize. The title of the series draws from a similarly named Korean children's game.
Extra Ball Chains
Amgel Valentines Day Escape 3
Mr Noob Pro Archer
Happy Gliding Online
Wrench & Nuts
Escape Plan
Moto Hot Wheels
Critical Strike 2
Grand Nitro Formula
Easter Memory
Amaze Flags: Europe
BMX Cycle Skate Mobile
East Princess - Through the Ages
dunk FallBall
Fire Storm
Little Mermaids Jigsaw
Pretty Avatar Maker
Rescue the Whale
Magic Fairy Princess Dressup
Match the Blocks
Super Race 3D
Happy Winter Jigsaw Game
Summer Match Party
Turbo Jelly Shift
Bitcoin Mining Simulator
Pro Fairy Princess Dress Up VS Witch Makeup