The Smurfs (French: Les Schtroumpfs; Dutch: De Smurfen) is a Belgian comic franchise centered on a fictional colony of small, blue, human-like creatures who live in mushroom-shaped houses in the forest. The Smurfs was first created and introduced as a series of comic characters by the Belgian comics artist Peyo (the pen name of Pierre Culliford) in 1958, wherein they were known as Les Schtroumpfs. There are more than 100 Smurf characters, and their names are based on adjectives that emphasise their characteristics, such as "Jokey Smurf", who likes to play practical jokes on his fello
Bus Parking Simulator
Velocity Racing
Car Wash For Kids
Knife Vs
Lion King Slide
Dot Munch Fight Club
Perfect Sllices
Color AA
Baldie Jigsaw Challenge
Bridge Go Animal Rescue
Cave Forest Escape 2
Stumble Guys Sliding Puzzle
Chameleon Jigsaw
Cartoon Candy 3D
Gun Metal War 2D Mobile
Magical Wizard Match 3
Fruit Match
Curious George Memory Card Match
Pop Corn Fever
Cake Maker Cooking Games
Rescue The Tiger
Pop It Master 3D : Fidget Toys
Jewel Christmas Story
Happy Fishing Day
Thanksgiving Caterpillar Escape
Egypt Colony Escape
Bullet OverLoad
Halloween Magic Tiles